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Writer's pictureFreda Amakiri

The Polyamory Dilemma: Torn Between Hearts

Her voice was filled with excitement. Is she going nuts? Someone, wake me up! (Diego)

The Polyamory Dilemma: Torn Between Hearts

It’s 2024, and love is more complex and fluid than ever before. How come no one told me?

It seems outdated to think that there is just one soulmate—a romantic companion for life. Instead, having several loving, consenting relationships—also known as polyamory—has become more common. Even though polyamory may seem liberating, few people are ready for the unique set of difficulties that come with it.

Is Claudia ready?

This is a story of how love can expand beyond limits but also test the boundaries of the heart.

Meet Claudia: A Heart Split in Two

Claudia thought she understood her relationship with Diego. After two years together, they had settled into a comfortable routine—weekend trips, impromptu date evenings, late-night wild drives, and even the occasional talk of a future together. But, beneath all of the harmony, Claudia felt something she couldn't quite explain: curiosity. Well not about leaving Diego, but about discovering an entirely different kind of love that wasn't so... confined. Something she knew she wanted but was skeptical about it.

That curiosity led Claudia to a conversation that changed everything. One night over dinner with Diego and friends, a discussion that led to something close to polyamory came up, and a friend admitted that she had been seeing 2 guys over the summer. “It’s incredible,” her friend said. “It’s like I get to experience love in more ways than I ever imagined.”

For Claudia, it was a lightbulb moment. Could it really be that simple? Could she love more than one person without betraying Diego or losing the connection they had?

The Dream of Polyamory vs. The Reality

Polyamory, in theory, seemed like a pipe dream—a means to widen one's love experience. Claudia loved Diego but couldn't resist her developing desire to pursue intimate relationships with other people. After weeks of deliberation, she proposed the idea to Diego. He was willing to talk about it but understandably cautious. "So, how would it work? What happens if one of us feels left out?" Diego asked, his voice full of worry. They decided to give it a try—with one condition: complete transparency.

Claudia and Aiden met shortly after. He was everything Diego was not: impulsive, wildly creative, and full of energy. He opened a side of Claudia she hadn't seen in years, and she was ecstatic. However, the further Claudia went with Aiden, the more problematic things were with Diego.

Jealousy Strikes: The Unexpected Challenge

Jealousy. The one thing neither Claudia nor Diego could predict was just how much jealousy would take hold. Claudia tried to assure Diego that her feelings for Aiden didn’t diminish her love for him. But Diego couldn’t help but wonder, “Am I enough for you? Why do you need someone else? I promise to be better. I'll work twice as hard to give you everything just... let go of Aiden”

Balancing love with the truths of human emotions is the core dilemma of polyamory. Jealousy can arise in even the most transparent and truthful relationships. Between reassuring Diego and controlling her excitement for her new relationship, Claudia found herself perplexed. She never imagined the magnitude of the emotional labor.

Juggling Love: Time Isn’t Infinite

In addition to the psychological stress, there was the issue of time. Claudia erroneously thought that she could effortlessly manage two relationships, but that is not how life works. Her weekends were now split between Aiden and Diego. She missed out on the little things she and Diego used to enjoy, like having fun together, planning forever together, and praying together, while she spent evenings with Aiden.

Claudia felt overworked, tired, and as though she had to keep saying sorry to one lover or another for being unavailable. There weren't enough hours in a day to fulfill her desire to be everything to them both. She was getting tired of the thrill of loving two people since it had become a logistical puzzle.

The Outside World: Judgment and Stigma

Not only was it difficult for Claudia to manage two relationships, but she also had to deal with the opinions of others. Even some of her closest friends disapproved of her open relationship with Diego, and her family was unaware that she was seeing Aiden. They would inquire, and criticize her, misinterpreting the true meaning of polyamory, "Like what the hell is that? Are you sure this isn't just an excuse to cheat?"

Despite growing in favor in some quarters, polyamory is still heavily stigmatized in the public eye. People who practice often find themselves torn between upholding their own moral principles and appeasing others' opinions. Like many others, Claudia discovered that she had to keep some aspects of her life hidden from judgment and uncomfortable questions.

The Emotional Rollercoaster: Can Love Really Expand?

After a year of adjusting to polyamory, Claudia came to the conclusion that love, in any form, is much more difficult than she had ever thought. While being polyamorous had allowed her to discover new aspects of herself, it had also had her face her anxieties, doubts, and complexities of being in love with more than one person.

Claudia thought she understood everything on some days. Some days she doubted everything. Was the emotional hardship of polyamory worth it? Could she truly love two people in the same way without causing harm to each of them?

Is Polyamory the Future of Love?

I promised not to judge but what in the world is this with Claudia? There are a lot of Diego and Claudia or Aiden out there and you might just want to give a piece of advice to any of them. Share it with us in the comments below.

Claudia's story isn't really that rare. In 2024 and beyond, more individuals are going to begin experiencing nontraditional forms of love, but this will bring with it a wide range of emotional experiences—some lovely, others very hard. Polyamory requires emotional intelligence, patience, and an exceptional level of communication, in addition to love.

Claudia believes that the polyamory question is not about whether it is moral or wrong, but rather about whether it can be sustained. Can love truly be limitless, or does it have limits after all?

The truth is that polyamory is not for everyone. It is not a simple journey, and for many, it presents more obstacles than solutions. However, for those prepared to overcome jealousy, time constraints, and societal criticism, it provides a new way to feel love—one that is raw, expansive, and deeply transformative.

Polyamory is becoming more and more accepted as a topic of discussion in the modern discourse on love. It also makes us wonder if love can really be shared without boundaries or if a person's heart is supposed to belong to only one person, even though it might not come with straightforward answers.


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