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Writer's pictureFreda Amakiri

Finding Joy Amongst Chaos

There’s no need to run away from what’s happening in the world today. There’s a slim chance that the world will ever be peaceful and free from evil. How about we strengthen our hearts to enjoy life as much as we want amongst chaos? Continue reading to find out more...

This is the best time to toughen your shell for the unknown (the future). We pray for a brighter and more beautiful future, but let’s not forget that we’ll always have difficult times that’ll suppress this beautiful life we strive for.

The chaos of life is the birthplace of innovation and creativity.~

Deep within the chaos, there are moments of truth where you’ll realize that nothing is as it seems. When you look deep within, you’ll notice the little things that matter out of the overwhelming challenges happening around and within you.

Finding joy amongst chaos is simply following your dreams and living while the world’s fighting for peace.

There are endless possibilities in this big world. We’ve gone from World Wars I and II and almost III to pandemics, international and national wars, and intense poverty and wot not.

Do you think we can escape the chaos?

(I doubt. )

Taking charge of your life by picking up tiny pieces of hope, building a future you're proud of while you can, and living a fulfilling life that is in line with your values and aspirations should be your focus. If you have a dream, don't be afraid to pursue it with all of your heart and soul; the journey may be difficult, but the rewards will be immeasurable and worth the effort.

Bring positivity into your life by igniting your inner child and channeling the right direction, motivation, and hard work you'll need for your dream chase. When you channel your inner child, you’ll realize that falling and failing are part of growth. So immediately, you fall, dust yourself off, and pursue your dream into reality.

Common Factors That Hinder You From Chasing Your Dreams

  1. Fear: The fear of uncertainty, doubting the unknown, and feeling anxious about the unpredictable future. The fear of failure, thinking that you’ll never achieve success if you chase your dream. Lastly, the fear of other people’s opinions—this particular fear keeps us stuck and small. This is one major reason why most of us are scared to move forward: we’re scared of what people might say about what we do, why we do it, and how. (Dream Breaker!)

  2. Comfort Zone: Yup! I personally can’t shy away from this factor. It makes us feel at our safest. The moment you settle with failure and near-success syndrome or all kinds of negativity, you’ll be scared to take risks outside of it.

  3. Lack of resources: Let’s be real. The lack of support from family and friends and the lack of financial resources and time have played a big role in shattering dreams. Holdup! Who are we once again? ~ Humans! And you can call us adapting animals. There’s always a solution. So let’s dig deep and find it.

Manifest Your Dreams With The Law Of Attraction

“The universe responds to the frequency of your thoughts; manifest positivity, attract positivity.” – Joe Vitale, The Attractor Factor

Here are some highlighted tips on how to manifest with the law of attraction:

  • Focus On The Present Moment: Meditate and enjoy the moment in front of you. This is your reality, tomorrow and yesterday are wishful thoughts. The present is what you can change to able to balance your future and leave the past. Let go of how and when your dreams will manifest but be at peace and one with yourself knowing that your dreams will surely manifest.

  • Practice Gratitude Everyday: This will help you identify your purpose and make you grateful for everything you’re experiencing both the seen and unseen.

  • Visualize And Script Your Ideal Dream: Think deeply and visualize your dreams, and your thoughts will only become reality when you carefully draft down these thoughts and bring them to life on paper. Script them and give details of your desires and the outcomes.

  • Act as If: The law of attraction works effectively when you act in accordance with your thoughts. Act as if you’re living out your desired dreams. Life is not all about wishful thinking; rigorous actions will bring quick results.

  • Use Empowering Affirmations: Affirmations build confidence and self-love, and they get rid of unnecessary doubts. This process requires a lot of trust. Your words are powerful, so be careful about what you say. Positive words and thoughts attract positive energy, and negative words and thoughts attract negative energy.

There is always something new to talk about when it comes to the law of attraction. I'll conclude this piece with this encouraging thought: You are the creator of your own success tale. The world's madness has the power to distract and disturb you, but don't let it steal your dreams.



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