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Writer's pictureFreda Amakiri

Discovering Your Unique Speaking Voice

Do you ever feel irritated about how you sound when you speak? Perhaps, you feel like there's more to your speech sound and style. I'll share some tips to rebrand your thoughts and help you discover your unique speaking voice. Find out below...

Discovering Your Unique Voice

A couple of times people ask me these questions "Freda. How can I develop my speaking voice? What are the necessary steps to take? I hate my speaking voice and wish I could do anything to change how I speak or improve on it. How can I sound like you?"

Honestly, my voice took its shape over the years. It's not luck but personal growth. Let's not forget that we've been naturally gifted with our voice, our most priceless asset. The voice serves as our primary channel for communication. It enables us to share our perceptions and ideas verbally.

Finding your voice won't reveal something new about you, but it will uncover more of who you already are. You discover more freedom to speak, express yourself, and be heard. You'll realize that your voice is within you and is an integral part of who you are.

At the beginning of my journey as a music artist, I found it challenging to uncover my original sound. I needed to discover how to avoid sounding like anyone else. Your voice is your identity; It sets us apart from others and what we already have is in our possession. Discovering your true voice doesn't mean sounding pitchy or adding weird intonations. The true effort lies in valuing your voice more than trying to meet the needs and expectations of others, whether those expectations are real or perceived.

What is the source of our first suffering? It lies in the fact that we hesitated to speak. It was born in the moment when we accumulated silent things within us. ~Gaston Bachelard

Tips On How To Discover Your Unique Voice

  1. Understand That You're Authentic: Steer clear from trying to mimic someone else and embrace your unique features. Have a better understanding of how your sweet alto, soprano, or baritone vocals work. Be true to your persona and give that beautiful voice the worth it deserves.

  2. Listen to Your Natural Pitch: Your natural speaking voice should come effortlessly and without strain. Be observant and listen to how you speak when you are most at ease with yourself. You'll find your natural pitch tone when you're comfortable.

  3. Record Yourself: Record yourself speaking or reading aloud and listen to the playback. This can help you identify areas for improvement, such as pitch, tone, speed, clarity, or confidence. Additionally, you can seek feedback from others. Use their feedback to make adjustments and refine your voice as you progress.

  4. Take Key Notes About Your Breaths and Pace: Your breath forms the basis of your voice, so be mindful of your breathing and understand when to pause because it'll impact on your speech. Experiment with speaking at varying speeds until you discover a comfortable pace that enables clear and effective communication. Be mindful of your pace and pronunciation. Speaking too rapidly or mumbling can hinder comprehension for others. Engage in deep breathing exercises to enhance your ability to utilize your breath efficiently while speaking.

  5. Practice Regularly: Dedicate time daily to speaking exercises, reading aloud, or participating in conversations that enable you to enhance your voice.

  6. Spice Your Speeches With Body Language: Your body language can amplify your voice and strengthen your message. Practice using gestures and facial expressions to highlight your points and engage with your audience.

  7. Relaxation And Posture: Make sure you are relaxed and maintain good posture, whether standing or sitting. Tension in your body can impact your voice. Take a few deep breaths and focus on releasing any tension.

Discovering Your Unique Speaking Voice


Your natural voice is your most valuable tool for communication. By discovering and embracing it, you can communicate more effectively and confidently. Remember to practice consistently, be mindful of your breath and body, and stay authentic in your interactions. Take the time to find your natural voice, and observe how it transforms your communication with others.

Don’t be afraid of speaking your mind because that is what makes you different from the rest~ Dave Thomas.


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Wonderful piece. |Really good

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Thank you so much ✨🥰

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