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Writer's pictureFreda Amakiri

Benefits Of Writing A Letter To Your Younger Self

There are some memories we wish we treasured but couldn't, simply because they were not important, or some we wish we could erase.

Ever wanted to journal your life in a diary but felt you were doing too much, that society would be against your sane habit of journaling your everyday moves and memories, or that you'd probably be sharing the saddest or most unforgiving truths?

Writing is the safest form of self-therapy. It helps us explore our thoughts and emotions, our relationships, our life stories, and our dreams and aspirations. It helps identify grief and loss and redirect our mindset and path.

Writing relieves you of past worries, depression, heartbreaks, doubts, etc. It is the safest and simplest way to heal your inner self.

When the inner man is abandoned, everything in the present and future is disorganized. Redirect your footsteps to save you from life's despair.

Why is it important to write a letter to my younger self?

An unhealed inner child can unintentionally prevent you from progressing, living fully, and feeling empowered. There are emotions we can’t verbalize, emotions that will grow to ruin your future or build further confusion.

Journaling (writing) is the key to this solution. Many are not exposed to therapy from where I come from; it’s a survival of the fittest jungle. We’re trained to believe that there’s nothing or no one that can save you from your own life battles. However, it’s best that you swallow your emotions and live like a rock.

“If you could offer your younger self the love and support they needed during the most challenging times, wouldn't you want to take that opportunity?”

  • Take baby steps and create that self-development with your own hands.

  • It’s an easy road to self-love.

  • Forgive your past, embrace it (the happy and sad times), and move on.

Breathe in and breathe out.

Imagine your current self having a conversation with your younger self. What will your first statement be?

Entertain yourself with soft music and bring back all those memories. Dig deep, and you’ll see that you never forgot about them; they were never gone. They’ve been hiding in a box, broken and confused, or perhaps experiencing stagnation.

Here’s a chance to pick up some paper and a pen to write a letter to your younger self.

Can I ever find closure with my younger self?

The most interesting question. Can the unforgiving mistake or burden disappear or have less impact on my life?

Even with a sore heart, breakthrough, if given a chance, is inevitable. If there’s a beginning, there’s always an end. If there’s a problem, there’s always a solution.

You can navigate positivity into your life by speaking to your younger self in the form of a letter. Writing exactly what would have been, the possible solutions to problems, and words of encouragement.

So, Yes! Yes, you can! It might be the wildest, unimaginative solution to your problem, but it’ll relieve half of the grief, thereby setting a new vision for your future.

A Mini-Letter To My Younger Self

Dear Freda,

These chapters of your life will make and break you. You broke your sweet spirit and brought in monsters. They were never worth it; they were huge mistakes.

They’d try to ruin you, but listen to me...

You’ve got this. Don’t linger on these mistakes and worry too much, but rather find solutions to stop them before they build bigger monsters. Fight them; yes, you can.

You’re beautiful, intelligent, sweet, elegant, confident, and extraordinary, and you’re more than enough; you’ll find out soon.

You deserve all the love, and don’t for a second think you’re not going to love yourself or someone else. You did; it was beautiful.

Do everything you can to protect your heart, visions, family, friends, and love life.

Focus Girl! You’re not getting any younger!

Don’t ruin your beautiful story with things that don’t matter and that you consider fun. They’re never fun. They’ll turn to bad habits that’ll ruin the better half of you. Please stay focused.

There’s an overwhelming future ahead of you. There’ll be happy and sad times, heartaches, victories, failures, fear, embarrassing and emotional times, opportunities, and more.

Communicate and express your emotions; don’t hold back! Just do it! There’s no time to waste, and don’t worry too much about your future self; we’ll be okay.

The moment you have in front of you will never return. Be Good. Be Safe. You’re stronger than you look or think. I’ll write to you again as soon as possible.

And Oh! Work hard on yourself. So when you meet him, you’ll love him better (you’ll screw up, but do everything to work hard on yourself to save yourself from the tears and pains you’ll cause), treat him right, wipe his tears, and build a happy future with him.





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It’s deep and I pray it sends the right message.

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